Business Boost
East Gippsland Shire Council's Business Boost program matches business professionals and skilled volunteers with entrepreneurs, to provide volunteer or low-cost customised professional support.
For more information:
Anne Kaiser
0488 700 034

Timber Transition
East Gippsland Shire Council and the Victorian Government have provided funding to support new local development opportunities for Orbost, Nowa Nowa and Swifts Creek - the three East Gippsland communities which will be impacted by the closure of the native timber harvesting in accordance with the Victorian Forestry Plan.
For more information:
Jenny Bailey
0499 552 491

Future of Orbost + District Project
Drawing on experience with energy transition in the Latrobe Valley, this initiative of the Orbost & District Chamber of Commerce & Industry is developing a roadmap for the future of the region ahead of the closure of the native timber harvesting in accordance with the Victorian Forestry Plan.
For more information: